This is at our new favorite grocery store Winco. It is like Costco- but only food and you don't have to buy in bulk. You still get the really great low prices though. Lately Tim has been the grocery man...working 2 jobs really put a damper on the time to do anything else, but now that's changed and I am looking forward to getting back there!
Cassie: So I have two grocery stores within walking distance which is always a plus. One is opened 24 hours and has 2 redboxes the Harris Teeter. For those still living in NJ its kind of like Kings with great produce and free samples :) The other is Fresh Market which has even better produce but also great meat. They also have a great deli counter that sometimes we go and get some dips and do appetizers for dinner or you can get a great dessert or decide on sushi or even rotisery chickens. Its the best place for when you don't know what to eat. Tonight I went to the Teet and I got lunch supplies for a salad. Can't stand all the plastic bags, I bring my own...unlike Kermit its easy being green.