Karen: It was a baby filled weekend! On Friday a new nephew was born!!! Welcome Viggo John Thomsen. He makes #16!!! He's a beautiful BIG boy at 9 lbs. 5oz. and I love every inch of him!! I also christened my first godchild on Saturday. It is an honor to be a part of the life of the beautiful Alexis Jane Osgood. And I love that now we can consider ourselves actually "family" with Caitlin and Dave.

Cassie: Sorry for the delay in post, I was having a hard time with this topic. Thanks Karen for helping me think outside of the box. My middle name is 'Ruth' and after some weekend showing of The Goonies in grammar school, I heard the famous line by Chunk 'Baaabbbbyyy Ruth' quite often. Other nick names I have are Sassy Cassie and Cass-dawg, which I only let Karen call me. Sassy Cassie originated when I was about 3, but it still comes out every now and then ;)
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