When Tim and I first moved to Spokane one of the first tings Tim unpacked was our fridge pictures. As he started putting them all up my first response was- are we really gonna put that mess back up? and he said of course! I am glad he did! Everyday when I look at my firdge I don't feel so far away from everyone. We rarely take pictures down-just add to the collage. This shows many of my nieces and nephews and different stages of their life as they are growing up. One of my favorite pictures thought is of CASSIE! take a look towards the center- you'll see her dancing with my father- this was towards the end of Tim's and my Jack and Jill shower- after many beers!
If you are upset that there are no pictures of you- first of all there's a whole bottom of the fridge not captured in the photo and second- if you send us one it will go up! That's what we tell everyone!
Cassie: Being such a neat freak you would think that I would hate my fridge. But I love adding more to it and keeping the old stuff up there. I am able to look back and remeber memories from the times spent. For examle you can see the 'Q' letter magnet that was brought over by friends to entertain their children for Karen's engagement party a few years back.
Cass- I love that you have 2 pictures of Lucy on your fridge!!! I guess we need to get some now! and where's our save the date? Tim was a little upset that it's not there anymore!