Amy: The Starbucks on 30th and Park. Yeah, you heard me. This is my own personal review. The Starbucks on 30th and Park is one of the slowest around - and especially for NYC. It is the worst when you have 15 min. to get to work, really want a latte, have a Starbuck's gift card (well stolen from Marko), and the line is so long that you have to pass. AHHH! Definitely my least favorite thing.

Cassie: Traffic. I don't have anywhere as near a terrible commute as some people I know, but for me its a little much. When I lived in NJ and commuted into NYC, my commute could be anywhere from 2-4 hours. I thought that when I moved to NC I wouldn't have to be in traffic ever again. Fantasy I know, but my last job was only 1.5 miles away from my house. I just don't like the person I become in traffic...can become primal.

Karen: The thing I hate most right now is death. 2012 was supposed to be the year of the "light"- Meaning positivity and new beginning-Not more death. Well so much for that idea. In 2011, I unfortunately had to deal with the way too early deaths of 2 close family members and now just 16 days into 2012 I am dealing with it again. A man that was like a grandfather to me for the past 20 years has been taken in the arms of God. His life, however, was not short. He lived a full 90 years, served his country in WWII, took care of a beautiful family, and has loved my grandmother for the past 20 years as their lives were brought to one another after unfortunately both becoming young widows.
All I can say is that I'm ready for a break and hope the rest of 2012 has a little more "light" (the positive kind)

Lauren: The thing I hate most right now (and in general) is clutter. As you can see from this picture, my desk has now become a storage area for the growing baby pile, books, yoga gear, and other random items that don't seem to have a home
elsewhere. My goal for this month is to find some more efficient means of storage and organization, as soon this office will be turning into a nursery.
Game on!!
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