Wednesday, March 17, 2010

#11 My Left Foot

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!! I'm only a quarter Irish and tend to always relate more with my Italian heritage but on St. Patrick's day it's all about the Irish! (I mean who celebrates St. Joseph's feast day anyway?)

Well here are a few Irish sayings and blessings to help you embrace your Irishness today!

May your home always be too small to hold your friends.- Irish toast

Best friends are like four leaf clovers: hard to find and lucky to have.-Unknown (this one's my favorite)

St. Patrick…one of the few saints whose feast day presents the opportunity to get determinedly whacked and make a fool of oneself all under the guise of acting Irish.- Charles M. Madigan

May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.- Irish saying

May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.- Irish saying

St. Patrick's Day is an enchanted time - a day to begin transforming winter's dreams into summer's magic.- Adrienne Cook

Cassie: I didn't go the St Patty's day theme, just took a picture of where my left foot was today. I went to Elon for a tour of the college with the baby bro. Not sure if he will transfer there, but after that tour and short video presentation I am ready to apply again haha! When I think of Elon I think of the long walks both drunk (slightly St Patty's day theme) and sober on the tons of red brick paths.

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